Saturday, October 19, 2013

30 Days of Halloween- Day 18: Top 10 Halloween TV Specials Part 1

I don't know about you guys, but for me the it's not until the TV specials start rolling in that I truly feel the holiday coming, be it Christmas, Thanksgiving, or in this case Halloween. Of course the Christmas themed shows, especially those 60's claymation episodes are the first thing anyone thinks of they have the most heart hands down. Heart is fine, but I'm watching TV for the fun and nothing is more fun than seeing your favorite TV show dress down the cast for Halloween.

10. Freaks and Geeks: Tricks or Treats
I won't start on the diatribe that every fan of this show gives about it's criminally short run, I'll just say if you haven't seen the show you can catch it free on Netflix right now. For the uninitiated the show follows Lindsey Weir and her younger brother Sam (the Freak and the Geek), every show is pretty good at showing the different social lives enjoyed by each but the Halloween special touched on something that perfectly illustrates the transition from child to teenager. Sam and his friends, who are freshman, spend the whole time getting their costumes ready and going out Tick or Treating. Meanwhile Lindsey and her friends are a bit older so Halloween has changed from a time to go out and get candy to a time to go out and cause trouble. The story arcs meet in the end when Lindsey and her friends accidentally egg Sam and his friends.

9. Home Improvement: Various Halloween Episodes
A staple of 90's prime time Home Improvement, brought the world so many things...the man grunt, Pam Anderson, and for you girls born in the first half of the 80's the Teen Beat favorite, JTT. Obviously these things really didn't mean too much for me, what I'll always love Tim Taylor for is his yearly delivery of a fun Halloween episode. Sure, plenty of shows did the occasional special but Home Improvement brought them consistently and always in good form. Usually circling a Halloween party at the Taylor house and mixing in a bit of a scary twist.

8. Family Matters: Stevil
Like most people born around 1982 Chucky from Child's Play infiltrated more than one of my dreams (the Christmas gift of a My Buddy doll didn't help matters...thanks Mom). While the possesed doll showed up in more than one TV special it was Family Matters that freaked me out the most...maybe because it was unexpected or perhaps it was the face that Stevil actually murders the entire Winslow family which was a tad disturbing, either way 'Stevil' will live on in my Halloween memories.

7. The Office: Various Episodes
In real life an office Halloween party consists of three things; the person who goes overboard on their costume, the crumudgeon who hates Halloween and is a pain to be around all day, and the 90% of the office that couldn't care less. Thank God for Dunder Mifflin. Highlights from the various Halloween specials include Pam dressing up as Charlie Chaplin but looking more like Adolph Hitler and the so funny because it's true moment when three of the group come dressed as Heath Ledger's Joker. Perhaps the best treat given by The Office was sexy Nurse Angela....did not see that one coming!

6. American Dad: The Best Little Horror House in Langely Falls
It may be the unpopular opinon but American Dad has pulled far in front of Family Guy for my weekly cartoon fix. It doesn't get any better than season 6 episode 3 when Stan is out-spooked by new neighbor Buckle, a former Disney Imagineer, for the title of best haunted house. Acting on advice from Roger...which is always a smart thing to do, Stan uses some CIA connections to fly in real live serial killers for his haunted house. This goes exactly as you would expect it to but ends with an awesome twist courtesy of Toshi.

Sorry for the quality, apparently YouTube isn't a fan of this episode

Check back next weekend for 1-5!


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