Monday, April 13, 2009

Punch Drunk Podcast: Episode #20

The Countdown to our 25th episode begins!!

This week on the Punch Drunk Podcast..

1. John and Trav rev up their engines for a review of Vin Diesel's latest, Fast & Furious!

2. The review of Adventureland turns out be more than just another day at the park!

3. Doubt is out on DVD? SO WHAT!? Donkey Punch is the DVD event of the year, monkeys!

4. News on the Wolverine leak...and a bid to become the unofficial sponsors of The Expendables. It's only fair.

5. In honor of Adventureland, our Top 5 Coming-of-Age films with a couple of surprising additions!

We hope you'll join us for another fun hour(or so). You can find The Punch Drunk Podcast on Itunes or any of the finer podcast directories. Or you can subscribe to the show directly