Kindof a slow week for new releases. The biggest one on the docket would be Fast & Furious, the fourth installment of the franchise that has been wowing audiences with it's deep, intricate stories for....ok, it's just big dudes, hot chicks, and fast cars. A combination that usually equals success. I'll miss the Japanese backdrop of the previous film, but I'm curious to see how they handle the reunion of the original cast. My Punch Drunk cohort, John, already saw it and his opinion seemed a little mixed. His review should be up soon.

I on the other hand, attended the Adventureland screening(which should tell you all you need about John and I's different tastes in movies)Greg Mattola, who directed the hilarious Superbad, just has a knack for combining dirty raunchy humor with just a hint of sweetness. Starring Kristen Stewart(back to looking hot after looking like a vanilla pudding pop in Twilight), Ryan Reynolds, Martin Starr, and Jesse Eisenberg, Adventureland is my top pick for the week. In fact I might go check it out again it was so good. Forget the redband trailer I showed on here a couple months ago, it's not nearly as dirty as it seemed. Definitely go see this one.
Alien Trespass has been released on a limited basis, and I think I've already said my piece on it. My review for it is right here. Right now it's playing in the area at AMC Shirlington, Landmark E Street, and Cinema Arts Theater in Fairfax.
Other films on my list include the critically acclaimed Sin Nombre, about a group of Honduran immigrants trying to make their way into the United States. It's also playing at Landmark E Street. I still haven't found time to see The Great Buck Howard and probably never will. But the independent film that's caught my eye the most is Hunger, which came out last year to rave reviews. It's the story of Bobby Sands, who led the 1981 hunger strike in Maze prison in Northern Ireland. Assuming it hangs around long enough, that's one I'm definitely going to try and hit up.

Sunshine Cleaning is expanding to more theaters. Starring the extremely hot Amy Adams and Emily Blunt as a pair of sisters who venture into the business of cleaning up crime scenes. It's billed as being "this year's Little Miss Sunshine". You know who says that? The producers. Because THEY produced Little Miss Sunshine. After having seen this movie I can honestly say, "I saw Little Miss Sunshine. And you, madam, are no Little Miss Sunshine". You can catch this at all the usual indpendent haunts, but now also at AMC Hoffman.
Landmark E Street is holding a midnight viewing of Star Trek: The Motion Picture tonight. I can only assume this is to help whet your appetite for the upcoming reimagining by JJ Abrams due out in May. Free admission to anyone who comes dressed as a Klingon(the orignals, not the Worf version). All Tribbles must be kept on a leash and house trained.