Thursday, January 14, 2010

500 Days of Summer Director to Helm Spidey 4?

The wheels on the Spidey-Mobile go 'round and 'round. Another day, another rumor. This one, however, actually has me damn excited. It appears that Marc Webb, who directed my favorite film of 2009, 500 Days of Summer, has climbed to the top of the list to direct Spider-Man 4. Sony has a number of big name directors on it's short list, including Michael Bay and James Cameron, but they're unlikely to be chosen. Webb apparently one studio execs over in a recent meeting, looking to get the film in theatres by the selected 2012 release date.

If Sony is looking for a contemporary take on Spider-Man, then Marc Webb is the top flight choice to take on this project. 500 Days of Summer was the freshest romantic comedy I've seen in years, and he has an ear for dialogue. While I'm not sure how his style will mesh with the studio's other preference, which is to make Spidey a bit grittier and darker ala Batman Begins, I think they couldn't make a smarter decision. Plus, it's obvious that Sony is looking to have more control over the franchise, something they didn't have with the big name Raimi in control. Webb is a perfect choice. He's relatively new, and so he wouldn't demand big dollars or absolute creative control, and can likely produce the film for cheaper.

You can read more on's story by clicking here.


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