Thursday, January 14, 2010

Four Brothers Sequel Announced

I remember raving over Four Brothers when it came out a few years ago. Something about the odd combination of Marky Mark, Tyrese "Mayhem" Gibson, and that Outkast guy dragged me kicking and screaming into it's simple but effective revenge tale. Then I saw the movie again and wondered what type of hallucinogens I was on that day. It was a strong, Western influenced flick, but hardly deserving of the praise I heaped upon it(those who bashed me were right, I must admit).

Whatever the case may be, it looks like Mark Wahlberg is setting up a sequel to the film, to be titled Five Brothers.  I don't know how they're going to make that work. I seem to recall one of the siblings not being around to bask in the glow of victory at the end...

No guarantees whether all involved will return, or if director John Singleton will as well.  I've always considered Singleton one of the most overrated, ineffective directors out there, but he did surprisingly good work with Four Brothers. The film went on to gross $92M worldwide, with a budget estimated at $30M, so the film was an obvious financial success.

You can read the rest of THR's coverage of this story by clicking here.


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