Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sorry for the headline, but I just couldn't help myself. It seems that Warner Bros. is gearing up to do another Mortal Kombat, and with the writer they've chosen it seems it would be more of a total reboot. Here's the word from /Film:

Warner Bros. are in early development of a new Mortal Kombat movie. They’ve already selected a writer in Oren Uziel, author of the Black List 2009 entry Shimmer Lake. That script was a twisty, suspenseful thriller that combined murder mystery with a bank heist plotline, so it would seem Uziel has a smarter way with narrative than is strictly necessary for a beat ‘em up tournament film.
 Honestly I won't even play the snobby role for a second and say that I think this is a bad idea. I think with a good writer this is a god damned fantastic idea. Mortal Kombat has always been equal parts 'Big Trouble in Little China', 'Bloodsport', and 'GI Joe' all drawn together with a pretty damn good story, at least in the video games. Visually the movie could be spectacular, with the right choreographer for fight scenes and just a TAD of CGI sprinkled in.  As far as story, I would suspect they'd follow Liu Kang as the lead but personally I've always wanted to know more about Sub Zero and the Lin Keui ninja clan he belongs to. Speaking of which how freaking cool are Sub Zero and Scorpion, even in the crappy mid 90's flick they were pretty damn awesome. So I'll leave you with a question, who wins in a tag team fight, Sub Zero and Scorpion VS Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.


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