Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wrestling icon Mick Foley to have his life story brought to the big screen

Hardcore wrestling icon, Mick Foley, has announced that the story of his legendary career will be brought to the big screen.  The as yet untitled feature will chronicle Foley's "obsessive desire to become one of the most popular wrestling icons of all time".  The flick will be directed by Christopher J. Scott, who I've never heard of, and produced via Jeff Katz's American Original studio.

Mick Foley is known as the "hardcore icon" for a reason, and no it doesn't have anything to do with porn. The guy has literally given up massive parts of his own body for the entertainment of the fans, building up his reputation through some of the most brutal matches in sports entertainment history. Barbed wire matches, steel cage matches, flaming table matches. He's done it all over the course of his nearly 30 year career. If you saw the movie, The Wrestler, those hardcore matches Mickey Rourke was involved in were likely inspired by a lot of the stuff Foley was involved in.

He's probably best known to people for his 12 year stint in the World Wrestling Federation as Mankind, but he established himself earlier on in World Championship Wrestling as the violent Cactus Jack.  Foley's life story has been chronicled before, most notably in his first book Have a Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks, which landed at #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list. He's since gone on to write 8 more novels, including 3 children's books. Foley is still active in the wrestling business as part of Total Nonstop Action.

I've not always been the biggest fan of Mick Foley as a wrestler. I think even he'll admit that he wasn't the best in-ring performer, but there's no doubting the sacrifices the guy made. Whether it was being thrown off the top of a 30 foot high steel cage and landing flat on his back(with a tooth being shoved through his friggin 'nose), being set on fire, or taking a dozen chairshots to the head, Mick Foley is and always will be the toughest man in the history of professional wrestling. Period.  Don't believe me, watch the below video of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson crushing Foley's head an unprecedented eleven times with a steel chair, completely unprotected. If you have a chance, check out the amazing documentary Beyond the Mat, which shows this scene and the awful effect it had not only on him but on his family, who were watching at ringside. Fake? I think not.


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