Tuesday, October 5, 2010

AMC pulls Hatchet 2 from theaters mad early

So Hatchet 2, the sequel to Adam Green's well received slasher horror from 2007, got off to a rocky start this week at the box office. It debuted at #50, earning a per site average roughly the size of most people's weekly paycheck. Not good, but was that any reason to pull it from theaters? 

That's exactly what happened as AMC pulled the unrated flick over the weekend, sighting it's poor performance as the driving motivator.  But is that really the case?  Hatchet 2's claim to fame was that it was released theatrically unrated after the MPAA refused to give it a 'R' rating. Only AMC theaters appeared to be in support of the film, deciding to show it in 68 of their locations. All that's changed now. In a statement this is what AMC had to say...

“At AMC theaters, we review all films in all of our theatres every week and then make our business decisions based on their performance.”

Green has been very outspoken in his thoughts about the MPAA and their decision, and its' believed by him that this is truly behind the decision AMC made. He told EW...

“I know they’re going to be out for blood with me. And the ratings board, I’m sure, is very certain that we’re not going to do any business and then they’re going to say to everybody, ‘You see what happens when you don’t play by our rules?’

Ironically I'm about to head over to the MPAA to catch a flick. D'oh. But I take issue with a lot of the decisions they've made as well. Usually it's sexy films that get the hammer dropped on them more than violent horrors, and since I havent' seen Hatchet 2 I'm in no position to judge this one.

Chances are this might actually help the film gain a wider audience. If Green raises enough stink, it's going to lead people to want to see what the big fuss is all about, which should lead to some pretty good DVD/Blu-Ray sales.


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