"Oh, wait. Con gossip: I know who the villain(s) are in Batman 3 and the big scene outside Gotham sounds awesome. Totally timely locale."
"One of the villains is from my favourite childhood run on the character. Again, very unexpected."
Speculation has been that The Riddler would be the primary evildoer battling it out with Batman next time around. Could this be who Millar is referring to?
In regards to Wolverine...
"Also, a pal told me Wolverine 2 script is one of the best he's ever read. This is a guy I totally trust and he agrees the first one sucked."
I'm gonna cry bullpucky on this one. Fox? With an amazing script? Those two ideas don't even go together. I'll believe it when I see it. Maybe next time Millar is feelin' chatty he can enlighten us on the whereabouts of the Lindbergh baby. Thanks.
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