Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Trailer Time: Mad Bastards,directed by Brendan Fletcher

Nobody can deny that it's been an eye-opening couple of years for Australian filmmaking, and if the line-up at the upcoming Sundance Film Festival is to be believed, 2011 is looking pretty impressive too.One such film worth looking ahead to is Brendan Fletcher's directorial debut, Mad Bastards, which will have it's premier at the event next year. The story follows three generations of "mad bastards" as they deal with the hardships of becoming a man. 

I love the cinematography, which captures both the beauty and the isolation of the region. The use of clearly local actors(if they're even actors, I suspect most aren't) adds a certain authenticity. Here's hoping this one gets picked up and brought stateside.  Check out the trailer for Mad Basterds below!

Mad Bastards Trailer for Sydney Festival from Pollen Digital on Vimeo.