Monday, December 27, 2010
Video: "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch" parody
Does anybody even remember anything about Brett Ratner's terrible X-men: The Last Stand
anymore? Pretty much everybody acknowledges that it was an awful film, poorly written, badly cast, and shot with no creativity whatsoever. All anyone remembers about it now is that one scene. That one perfectly horrible scene where the Juggernaut(played by Vinnie Jones of all folks) and Kitty Pryde(Ellen Page) squared off, featuring the now classic retort "Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" Ever since then, parodies of it blew up the internet. And since I was just reminded of this by our recent story on the filming of X-men: First Class, I thought I'd drag up one of my old favorites for you to enjoy. It features a very ghetto Juggernaut and his hetero life mate, Black Tom, from an old episode of the X-men animated series. And it's hilarious. Enjoy! "I'm gonna hit you with your own pimp"!
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