Friday, January 21, 2011

Movie about Wikileaks founder in the works

I'm not gonna lie, Wikileaks is a favored site of mine. I find it interesting that all the uproar has been that this super sensitive, damaging information was leaked, but nobody seems to care about what the site is actually revealing to us.  Whatever. Wikileaks has made it's founder Julian Assange a target, but does that make him a good subject for a movie?

Apparently so, as Variety reports that Andrew Fowler’s upcoming Lassange biography The Most Dangerous Man in the World has been optioned for feature film rights by Josephson Entertainment and Michelle Krumm Productions.  It's being billed as a thriller, and Assange's background as a computer hacker(along with his legal woes) could make for some pretty intense stuff. However I see this probably being more in the vein of The Insider than anything else.

Be kinda funny if the film got leaked before it ever reached theaters.


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