Veteran character actor Pete Postlethwait has passed away at the age of 64 after a long battle with cancer. The Brit actor was seen in stand out performances in two of the year's biggest films, Christopher Nolan's Inception, and The Town as the manipulative gangster/florist. After years of smaller roles, he got his first real big of recognition in 1994's In the Name of the Father. For that film he received an Academy Award nomination. He'll probably best be remembered for his role in The Usual Suspects as Kobayashi, Keyser Soze's frontman.
I used to always joke that you could never trust a Pete Postlethwait character no matter how nice he might seem, but the truth is he was adept at playing both heels and good guys. In fact my favorite role of his was as the bandleader struggling to keep his group together in the British comedy, Brassed Off.
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