Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rachel Weisz opposite Johnny Depp in The Thin Man?

Suddenly Rachel Weisz's name is popping up everywhere for flicks I would never expect her to ever consider. This morning we learned that she's being bandied about as a possibility to join The Bourne Legacy, and let's not forget that she's in talks already for Oz the Great and Powerful. Two very mainstream movies that will thrust her further into the spotlight. I'm all for it.  Now there's a rumor out there that she may end up hip deep in another film I'm eagerly snapping up any and all info about, and that's Rob Marshall's remake of The Thin Man.

Cinemablend is relying on one of their trusted inside sources for the info, saying that she's in consideration to play Nora Charles, the socialite wife of ex-private detective, Nick Charles, to be played by Johnny Depp. Rachel Weisz and Johnny Depp as a pair of rich, boozing, hard partying crime solvers? Count me in. 

The Thin Man was originally a 1934 book by acclaimed crime novelist, Dashiel Hammett. That was quickly turned into a film of the same name, starring William Powell and the gorgeous Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora. Even though Hammett only wrote one book about the pair, the film was such a huge success that five more big screen sequels were made. The first is by far the best, if you ask me.

As for when this thing might kick off, nobody knows. Depp's schedule seems to be the issue, as he's got a lot on his plate with The Lone Ranger and Dark Shadows right around the corner. By the time those are wrapped up, it'll be Pirates of the Caribbean time again.  For Weisz, the report notes that an offer hasn't been officially made yet. She's just near the top of their contender list. 


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