Marvel has found themselves with a headache of riches when it comes to their superheroes. If they wanted, they could create dozens of different movies all with totally different flavors. We've gotten a glimpse of that with the technological Iron Man, the mythical Thor
, and the science of the Hulk
. You could probably even throw the everyman Spider-Man
into the mix. Captain America: The First Avenger offered another opportunity to do something unique, by having the flag bearing superhero's adventures set primarily during WWII. The question was whether or not any potential sequels would stick to that time period, or would his presence in The Avengers necessitate he stay solely in the present time?
While discussing the film in LA, Cap writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus confirmed two things. 1. That they've both been hired to get to work on a sequel. And 2. That it will be set in the present. Boo hiss.
As we probably all know by now, Captain America winds up frozen in a block of ice only to thawed out 60 years later in our time. From there he would come to be the face and iconic leader of The Avengers. That's how it goes in the comics and apparently how it'll work out when Joss Whedon's superhero team-up flick opens next year. I was hoping Marvel would be smart and play this out so that we see Cap awaken in our time, and then have him be a part of the team from there on out. Any sequels to his solo film could take place basically in flashback, giving us more of an opportunity to experience Cap as the patriotic warrior who took on Hitler with his pack of Howling Commandos. Having a franchise based in that era would have been a nice change of pace to everything else we're getting on the superhero front. Unfortunately that wont' be the case.
Captain America: The First Avenger opens on July 22nd, directed by Joe Johnston. Chris Evans stars, along with Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Dominic Cooper, Stanley Tucci, Derek Luke, Neal McDonough, Hayley Atwell, Toby Jones, and Sebastian Stan. [ScreenJunkies via ThePlaylist]
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