Refn hasn't been shy about his love for the character and his desire to helm a film about her, admitting at one point that his plan for making more Hollywood friendly films was partially so he could earn that opportunity. After mostly low key, violent films like Bronson and the Pusher
Refn: “If I get to do it, she’s going to be it.”
Hendricks has expressed a love for the character as well, so let's hope the Mad Men
In the DC Comics Universe, Wonder Woman isn't just some hot chick with supernatural strength. She's a part of "The Big Three", along with Superman and Batman. She is one of the elite, yet unlike many of her comrades she's the only one never to have had their own movie. With Warner Brothers making moves towards a Justice League film, and developing a number of superhero projects leading up to it, I imagine it's only a matter of time before she does. Here's hoping the lackluster debut of Green Lantern doesn't hurt that possibility. [Vulture via ThePlaylist]
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