Wednesday, July 27, 2011

John Cusack and Nicolas Cage circling Alaskan serial killer film, The Frozen Ground

Picture this. A crime film set in the wilds of Alaska, about a meek and unassuming guy who turns out to be a serial killer that delights in hunting down his victims. The film would star John Cusack and Nicolas Cage. Which actor would you expect to play the crazy guy? Well it's not who you think, as Cusack is in talks to play murderer Robert Hansen, with Cage as the cop who tracks him down in the film titled The Frozen Ground.

Robert Hansen was active during the years of 1980-1983, and murdered anywhere from 17 to 21 people. He'd capture them, then set them free in the wilderness so he could stalk and kill them like prey. As is always the case, he was well-liked and considered a good member of society until a woman by the name of Cindy Paulson reported to the police that she had just escaped his clutches after being kidnapped and sexually assaulted. A team of state troopers led by Glen Fothe led the investigation into the allegations. It appears that the film will cover this part of the story, with Cage playing a version of Fothe.

Scott Walker, no not that a-hole Wisconsin governor, is making his writing/directing debut on this one. If there's a reason to be interested it's in the role reversal of Cage and Cusack. I'll be curious to see how Cage quirks this role up because there's absolutely zero chance he plays it straight. [Deadline]


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