I love the summer movie season with all it's bloated special effects laden goodness, but nothing beats the end of the year when awards season rolls around. That's when every studio finally unleashes the hounds with all the classy flicks they've been holding on to all year. This year appears to be no exception, but for me there's one that stands tall above the rest, and that's Tomas Alfredson's adaptation of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
. We saw the awesome first trailer a couple of weeks ago, featuring it's perfect cast of Gary Oldman, Mark Strong, Tom Hardy, Colin Firth, and so many more. Today we've got a new poster for the Cold War spy flick, featuring Oldman as MI6 agent George Smiley. His face seems to be totally made of code, which I'm betting some nerd somewhere is actively trying to crack. Look for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy to hit here on November 18th.
And then there's Jeff Nichols' indie end of the world flick, Take Shelter, which features Michael Shannon(Revolutionary Road
) and the gorgeous Jessica Chastain(The Tree of Life
). Shannon plays a small town father who slowly becomes obsessed with the idea that an apocalyptic storm is right around the corner. The new poster certainly seems to convey that, only that the destruction will be delivered by a bunch of angry birds. I'm hearing great things about this one, in particular Shannon's performance. With so many of these types of movies headed our way(Melancholia, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World), it's going to take something special to stand out. Does Take Shelter have the goods? We'll find out when it starts hitting theaters on September 30th.
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