Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trailer Time: The Amazing Spider-Man, starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone

This is the Amazing Spider-Man? Really? The trailer for the superhero flick has been released officially now after being leaked a day or two ago, and my first impression was how it looked like something Catherine Hardwicke would've directed. At least in the beginning, as we see Peter Parker dealing with his non-existent parents, and basically being a lost soul in a big city. But my feelings start to change a bit later on as his powers start to develop, and I'm totally into the POV shot of him swinging through the city. Very clever, and not something I would've expected out of Marc Webb(500 Days of Summer). Check out the trailer for yourself below..

Andrew Garfield is not the choice I would've made for Peter Parker, but it's clear that this isn't going to be like any version of Spider-Man we've seen. The people around him are different, in particular Aunt May(Sally Field) and Uncle Ben(Martin Sheen). Even Gwen Stacy(Emma Stone, lookin' fine in blond) appears to be vastly different from her comic book character. I'm diggin' this, but next I'm hoping we get more of the bad guys. I'm dying to see what Irrfhan Khan and Rhys Ifans are bringin' to the table.

The Amazing Spider-Man swings into your friendly neighborhood movie theater on July 3rd 2012!


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