Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trailer Time: Dream House, starring Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz

Oh boy. Something generic this way comes. Compare Jim Sheridan's resume with almost any active director and it will surely measure up. But the years since 2002's In America haven't been all that kind. I thought his Biggie Smalls biopic, Notorious, was probably as good as that material was going to be. And 2009's Brothers featured a number of great performances in a fairly conventional story. Audiences seemed to agree. Even featuring Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Natalie Portman the war film couldn't put butts in seats. Sheridan's latest, Dream House, is another celebrity packed affair, but damn if it doesn't look like every other lame poltergeist flick you've ever seen.

Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz play the heads of a family that move to a small New England town into what they think is the house of their dreams. That is until weird things start going on, and they discover the house was the scene of a grisly murder. Craig teams up with his neighbor(Naomi Watts) to figure out what really happened. This new trailer appears to give away a major twist in the story, so I'd be kinda reluctant to watch it if you're at all interested in seeing the film. But if you do watch it, tell me if you see anything unique about it other than it's superb cast. I certainly don't. 

Dream House by ThePlaylist


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