Even though Julia Ormond has worked pretty steadily over the last twenty years, I still feel like we don't get to see nearly enough of her skills on screen. I haven't seen her in anything since The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, although she was reportedly very good in the HBO film Temple Grandin. So I was excited to learn she'd be a part of Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, playing Superman's Kryptonian mommy. Unfortunately it looks like something wasn't quite clicking, and now Snyder has made a casting change.
Ormond is now out of the role, replaced by mostly unknown Israeli actress Ayelet Zurer. No firm word was given as to the reason behind the switch, and I'm not going to speculate. Zurer is probably best recognized for her role opposite Tom Hanks in Angels & Demons. As big as that film turned out to be, Man of Steel will likely be her biggest to date. She joins a cast that includes Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Russell Crowe(as her Kryptonian husband Jor-El), Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Antje Traue, Laurence Fishburne, Christopher Meloni, and Harry Lennix.
Man of Steel hits theaters on June 14th 2013. Julia Ormond will be seen next in My Week With Marilyn, starring Michelle Williams. [Deadline]
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