Saturday, September 10, 2011

What if Marvel cast a white guy as Luke Cage in the movie?

"Trick or treat, suckas!!" Some of the discussion I've seen on this new spoof video has been hilarious, but others have taken it into pretty serious territory. Basically it shows the end result of having two white guys make a movie of Marvel's most popular African-American superhero, Luke "Power Man" Cage, and just how disastrous it would be casting a white guy in the role. Look, it's different taking someone like Nick Fury and having a black guy play him. Nick Fury is a soldier. His upbringing and any hardships he's experienced due to his race arent' an integral part of his character, whereas the same can't be said for guys like Luke Cage, Black Panther, or even a non-comic book character like Shaft. So having a white guy play them is automatically wrong.

But really, I prefer to take this video for what it is, a chance to show how extraordinary uncool white people are, especially when they're trying to act and sound "black".  If the Luke Cage movie ever gets off the ground, let's hope Marvel is wise enough to keep these dudes away from it...


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