Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trailer Time: Bad Kids Go To Hell, starring Judd Nelson and Ben Browder

One of the best non-superhero comic books of the last few years was quietly adapted into a feature film, and I had no idea it was even happening. There are still some surprises, I guess. That comic is Bad Kids Go To Hell, from writers Matthew Spradlin and Barry Wernick, and the description of it as The Breakfast Club meets The Grudge couldn't be more appropriate. Although I would say it has a touch of Cruel Intentions in there, too.

It follows a group of spoiled rich kids attending Crestview Academy. All from different social cliques, but considered to be the worst students in school. Sentenced to detention one afternoon, they discover something weird is up when each of them starts getting killed off by mysterious "accidents". The comic was hilarious with tons of dark humor and crazy over-the-top violence, and based on the new teaser trailer I think they've got the tone down pat.

Spradlin and Wernick wrote the screenplay, with Spradlin also making his directorial debut. Judd Nelson(The Breakfast Club), Ben Browder(Stargate SG-1), Augie Duke, Amanda Alch, Chanel Ryan, and Roger Edwards(Spy Kids 4) star. It probably won't hit theaters on any sort of national scale, but I'll be keeping an eye out for it wherever the film pops up. Check out the trailer below....


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