Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Heroes pose while the city is destroyed in latest 'The Avengers' poster!

If one simply went by what's happening in the latest international poster for The Avengers(renamed Avengers Assemble in the UK), it looks an awful lot like Earth Mightiest Heroes failed in their chosen task. The city stands destroyed while the heroes are busy posing for their latest close-up. Except for Captain America(Chris Evans) in the background, looking as if he just downed a dose of Pym Particles and grew to the size of a baby Godzilla.

Proving yet again that The Avengers looks far better in motion than in still images, this poster looks to mainly be a collection of shots we've already seen, neatly put together to give the impression of the assembled roster. Luckily for Marvel, this is a film that sells itself, otherwise the entire marketing graphics department should be shipped off to the Negative Zone.

Directed by Joss Whedon, The Avengers will be forced to join together to face a threat too big for any individual hero to handle. What that threat is remains a mystery, but we know Loki(Tom Hiddleston) is involved, and it looks to be a threat from outer space, possibly the shapeshifting Skrulls or the warlike Kree. We'll find out when The Avengers hits theaters here on May 4th, or possibly tomorrow when a brand new trailer is expected.


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