Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mark Millar says 'Kick-Ass 2' will shoot this summer. Yeah right.

Why does anybody believe anything Mark Millar has to say about...well, anything? The comic book scribe behind such film adaptations as Wanted and Kick-Ass is basically a fountain of misinformation when it comes to the progression of future projects. Like last March when he told us Kick-Ass 2 was greenlit, then two weeks later it was revealed to be a lie? The film still isn't officially a go as far as I can tell, but don't tell that to Millar, who claims it will actually be shot in just a few months...

Millar: “We shoot Kick-Ass 2 and American Jesus this summer. Then Matthew and I have Secret Service, which is a neddy James Bond.”

Whether or not he's trying to imply that the first film's director, Matthew Vaughn, will be involved isn't really clear. If so, it would likely be in a producer or co-writing capacity, as he'll be busy with an X-men: First Class sequel around that time. It should also be made clear that none of the Kick-Ass cast is signed to return, including it's breakout star, Chloe Moretz. Lionsgate has said nothing on the film's start date, so as usual take this with a serious heaping of salt.

While most of the Millar film adaptations have been straight forward action, American Jesus promises to be something totally different. The story follows a boy who discovers he is Jesus Christ, and sets out to find his place in a world in turmoil. The 2004 comic was provocative and insightful, and Millar sounds as if he'll adapt the material to the big screen faithfully...

Millar: “A lot of people are surprised because much of my work is irreverent and expect the same with American Jesus. But I want it to be a beautiful film. A film about the returned Jesus Christ has amazing artistic potential. Jesus shows up in the middle of the financial crisis, America is in turmoil and the Eurozone is collapsing. They are quite apocalyptic times that we are living in with the gap between rich and poor."

It was last October we learned Matthew Vaughn was set to take on two more Millar adaptations, one was the kid superhero comic, Superior. The other was The Secret Service, based on Millar's upcoming comic teaming him with Watchmen artist, Dave Gibbons....

Millar:  "We came up with this idea of a wee ned who becomes a gentleman spy, ditching his trainers for his Savile Row suits and being taught how to speak properly. I am halfway through the comic and Matthew and I are halfway through the script. There is a good role for a 50-something actor to play an older gentleman spy training this young kid. There are not a lot of tough actors in that age group but you would never believe Colin Firth or Hugh Grant in a fight scene. We are bouncing names around."

While that may sound like a lot, it's not even close to all that Millar has in store. A sequel to Wanted has been in the works for years, with the major hang up being Angelina Jolie's refusal to return, and her possible replacement by Kristen Stewart. James McAvoy is contractually bound to come back. The latest news on the film came last September when the film's original writers were hired to start work on the sequel.

Also, Millar has an adaptation of his evil superhero comic, Nemesis, in the works as well. Joe Carnahan(The Grey) is set to direct the film about a Batman level genius who uses his powers to wreak havoc. Michael Fassbender and Liam Neeson are reportedly in consideration to star. [Daily Report]


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