Monday, February 27, 2012

'The Vow' director in talks to helm Beach Boys musical

What's with all the Beach Boys love all of a sudden? These things tend to go in cycles, I know, but the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Famers are a very hot commodity right now in Hollywood, with two movies featuring them currently in production. Aaron Eckhart and Vera Farmiga are set to star in The Drummer, a biopic on the life of Dennis Wilson to be directed by Randy Miller(Bottle Shock). Not one to be left out, Fox 2000 is prepping their own, an original musical set to the band's music.

Michael Sucsy is set to direct the untitled musical, a fictional story with a script by Susannah Grant(Erin Brockovich). Details on the story are slim, other than that it will be set against the backdrop of Beach Boys tunes and center on characters created by Grant.

The studio reportedly sent Grant's script around to a number of directors, with Sucsy taking an interest in the material. At this point he can pretty much write his own ticket. After winning an Emmy for HBO's Grey Gardens, he followed that up this year with is feature directorial debut, The Vow, which has topped $100M so far. He's currently prepping Rosaline, a modern Romeo & Juliet tale starring Lily Collins and Dave Franco. [Variety]


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