Monday, May 14, 2012

'Prometheus' has landed in a brand new clip!

Ridley Scott didn't pick the title 'Prometheus' out of thin air.  It's more than just the ship at the center of his upcoming film, but was also the name of a very important titan from Greek mythology. Prometheus was the one who defied the will of Zeus, the most powerful god in Olympus, by showing humans how to use and control fire. This knowledge would come to be both a blessing, as it was a dramatic leap forward in the advancement of humankind, but also a curse as it led to untold wars, destruction, and the belief by many humans that they were stronger than the gods themselves.

What we know of the film tells us that we may be seeing echoes of that myth reflected in the story, which has a crew of space explorers seeking the origins of the species, and no doubt offending somebody in the process. How does it go? Eh, about as well as you'd expect a prequel to Alien to go, which is not well at all! 

The latest clip features Idris Elba manning the titular ship on its as the crew prepares for landing on a planet that probably is teeming with aliens and Space Jockeys.  Take note of what sounds like an important line from Logan Marshall-Green as he says "God does not build in straight lines".  A sign of things to come?

Prometheus stars Idris Elba, Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green, Michael Fassbender, and Guy Pearce. Look for it to land in theaters on June 8th....


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