Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trailer Time: Michel Gondry's 'The We & The I'

There's been a lot of mystery surrounding Michel Gondry's The We & The I, mainly because he's always been a director who is hard to peg thematically. You never can tell what he's going to do or what the tone will be, whether it's The Science of Sleep, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, or Be Kind Rewind. His offbeat style was kept mostly in check during his one mainstream effort in last year's The Green Hornet, but with this film Gondry appears to be totally back in his wheelhouse.

Once described as a sci-fi film about a group of kids who travel into the future and discover some sort of immortality machine, those elements appear to be totally out the window in the newly released trailer. Personally, I can do without all that stuff if it means we'll get more of what looks to be one of the freshest movies about teenagers in years. The footage sets the story up as a class of high school students traveling home on the bus after the last day of school, and it looks like every issue they kept in check for the year is going to get brought to the surface. Since this is Gondry, these kids could all end up riding straight into a wormhole or something, so we'll just have to wait and see. The We & The I is set to debut at Cannes on Thursday, and I'll be looking forward to the response. Consider this high on my must-see list....


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