Thursday, August 23, 2012

'Uncharted: Drake's Fortune' gets new writers; Neil Burger no longer attached

It's funny how these things work out. Just a few hours ago we were talking about director Neil Burger and his new gig directing an adaptation of the teen series, Divergent, and how he was still attached to bring the Uncharted: Drake's Fortune video game to the big screen. Well, now you can scratch that, as Variety reports the film will be moving forward without him.

Along with that comes word that National Treasure scribes,  Marianne and Cormac Wibberley, have been brought on to rewrite the Uncharted script. The film has been languishing in a special corner of development Hell for some time, with David O. Russell and Mark Wahlberg attached to it for awhile. Both eventually left, with Burger taking over in July of last year and beginning from scratch. This is the first we'd heard of it since then.

Sony's taking the slow and steady approach here, as Uncharted has the potential to be a solid  Indiana Jones-style franchise if handled correctly. It's got name recognition, a built-in fanbase, and a flashy lead character for the right actor to jump into. They'll wait until the Wibberleys complete the script before seeking out a new director.


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