Thursday, August 23, 2012

Punch Drunk DVD's

Here are your Punch Drunk DVD's for August 21st, 2012

The Dictator: Sacha Baron Cohen returns with a new vaugley middle eastern character and a funny accent to poke fun at the world's reactions to his antics. Honestly I thought I was going to hate this movie. Bruno wasn't anywhere near as fun as Borat even if it did have it's share of hilarity. That's the thing with gimmick's usually only good for one shot. Cohen manages to re=stamp the expiration date on his schtick with the more plot driven story of General Aladeen keeping the laughs steady and the political commentary light. Even if you weren't the largest of fans for his previous efforts you should still give The Dictator a shot. At a minimum it's a good Friday night time waster but I think this is one that you'll enjoy more than once if you drop the cash for it on blu-ray.


Bernie: Director Richard Linklater brings us a truly remarkable, if not somewhat disturbing, story about a small town murder. Bernie is loved by everyone in his town...even after he kills his older friend who happens to be hated by the whole town. A truly unique, and true I might add, story that raises a lot of questions when it comes to justice and that small town mentatlity. One of the best things about this flick is that Linklater also brought back the best version of Jack Black...many people forget that this guy is actually a good actor thanks to the last decade that gave us mostly Black jumping around and acting crazy. I'm putting this one in the rent column for most of you, while it's a great movie and sure to entertain I'm not sure what the rewatchability quotient will be. 


Make sure to check out our interview with Richard Linklater here.

A Separation: This 2011 Academy Award winner for foreign language film is a look into a world that many of us in this country don't understand or even know is there. The story follows Simin, an Iranian woman who wants to flee the country but when her husband Nader refuses to leave his Alzheimer's addled father behind. An inside look at the struggles and diffeneces of life in the middle east A Separation is one film that you should make an effort to see. 


Chimpanzee: Disney Nature's latest documentary is guessed it, cute little chimpanzees! In particular one little chimp named Oscar who we follow around as he learns the African jungle universe that he calls home. We are sure to....wait...what am I doing? You don't need some quippy summary and verbose adjectives describing why you need to see this...just look to the left! Tell that adorable little face that you don't want to see his movie. Go ahead, I bet you can't! Seriously though in this world that we live full of sadness and hate don't you want to take an hour or so out of your schedule to be truly inspired or even just to saw AWWWW more times than you care to admit. Just look at those big brown eyes, you know you want to see this...I'll admit it, I do!



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