Monday, January 7, 2013

New posters for 'Spring Breakers', 'Jack the Giant Slayer', and 'The Host'

A handful of new posters have landed online for three movies all targeting much the same demo, but the approaches couldn't be more different.

The first is an international poster for the delayed Jack the Giant Slayer, which puts heartthrob Nicholas Hoult into the boots of the fairy tale hero with the magic beans. Directed by Brian Singer, the film was bumped back after a lukewarm response to the first trailer, although to be honest it still doesn't have a whole lot of buzz despite coming out in just under two months.  It's possible that could change if Warm Bodies does well, making a viable leading man out of Hoult. To me the whole thing looks painfully generic, from the design of the giants to the magical world these characters inhabit. Co-starring Ewan McGregor, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ian McShane, and Stanley Tucci, Jack the Giant Slayer arrives on March 1st. Do you care?[Cine1]

I don't envy the marketing team forced to come up with a viable strategy for Spring Breakers, and my fear is that they'll simply show Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, and Ashley Benson in bikinis and call it a day. But this is from Harmony Korine, after all,  the guy who brought us such screwed up fare as Trash Humpers and Ken Park, and they may keen on highlighting the twisted nature of it. Certainly that appears to be the case with the latest one-sheet, which puts girls alongside a gun-toting drug dealer played by James Franco. If that doesn't turn a few heads then probably nothing will. The response out of Toronto and Venice has been great, but does Spring Breakers have the juice to be Korine's first mainstream hit? We'll find out if a firm release date ever gets nailed down. Look for it some time in the spring. [HeyUGuys]

Romance and product placement are the centerpieces of these posters for The Host, Andrew Niccol's adaptation of Twilight scribe Stephenie Meyer's confusing tween sci-fi novel. One of the images is pretty standard, with Saoirse Ronan, who plays dual roles by the way, standing between the two guys that love her. One features Diane Kruger and looks like she's trying to point us in the direction of our next car purchase, and finally there's Ronan again making out with some dude in the rain in what looks like a direct rip from The Notebook. It's probably not fair to judge a movie I haven't seen, but there's nothing about this that's appealing, and that extends to the plot which involves body-possessing aliens, human rebel factions, and four person love triangles. Blergh. The Host arrives on March 29th.


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