Sunday, March 3, 2013

Steven Spielberg developing Stanley Kubrick's unfinished 'Napoleon' film as TV miniseries

When it comes to completing the unfinished works of the late great Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg has become the guy to turn to. Kubrick certainly respected him a great deal, once telling Spielberg he was better suited to complete Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately, Spielberg ended up doing just that after Kubrick passed away. We can argue about the results, and whether or not Spielberg truly was the right guy for the job, but clearly he sees it as a personal mission to do Kubrick continued justice.

Another project Kubrick never saw to completion was a film based on Napoleon, which he spent years researching in excruciating detail.  While speaking to France's Canal +, Spielberg revealed plans to develop the project as a TV mini-series rather than a film....

"I've been developing Stanley Kubrick's screenplay -- for a miniseries not for a motion picture -- about the life of Napoleon. Kubrick wrote the script in 1961, a long time ago."

That's all the information he gave, so we don't know if he'd be directing, producing, writing or what. Kubrick finished a number of screenplays, one of which has been published online if you're curious to check it out. This is a pretty big deal, and a massive undertaking for Spielberg considering the amount of materials Kubrick amassed on the subject.  But with Robopocalypse now on hold, perhaps this is how Spielberg has decided to fill the gap in his schedule?



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