Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First trailer for 'Thor: The Dark World' starring Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman

As Marvel prepares to unleash Iron Man 3 on us in little more than a week, they've already begun the push for the next in their mega-hit line of superhero titles. We've already seen glimpses of Thor: The Dark World in the Phase Two preview, along with a new poster and some photos released as star Chris Hemsworth has been making the interview rounds. Now Marvel is officially pulling out all of the big guns as the first trailer is finally here.

Directed by Game of Thrones' Alan Taylor, the mood of the sequel is considerably blacker and less flashy, as the title would suggest. Thor finds himself again attempting to save the Earth from a powerful threat, this time from the Dark Elf Malekith the Accursed (Christopher Eccleston), and in order to keep his lover Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) safe he whisks her away to Asgard. We already know she'll face some disapproving members of Thor's family, and we see hints of that in the scowl on the face of Sif (Jaime Alexander), who has always seen herself as Thor's true love.

Perhaps most importantly of all, we see the next step in the contentious relationship between Thor and his brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston), who is locked away like Hannibal Lecter after the events of The Avengers. It looks like Thor is going to need his help to stop Malekith's schemes, and Loki's sneering glee over that pretty much steals the show. Overall, Marvel appears to be leaving behind some of the campier elements from the first film and going with something that, at least for now, has more of an epic quality.

Thor: The Dark World hits theaters on November 8th, and in October in the U.K.

Thor: The Dark World trailer by FilmBoy.gr


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