Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Clues to 'Man of Steel 2' Plot--My Prediction

I can't believe I"m doing this....I truly hate talking about a sequel before the original has even officially hit theaters. That being said this is an itch I had to scratch...if for no other reason than for everyone out there to tell me what an idiot I am. My theory is after the break and is supported by, what I believe to be, more than coincidental evidence. Not to worry though, no spoilers for Man of Steel...everything I'll mention is stuff you've seen in the trailers.

As we know from what Zack Snyder's been saying over the past week Lex Luthor does factor into this version of the Superman legend, so we know he's going to pop up sometime in some manner. I kind of assumed he'd be more of a background menace in future films since, let's be honest, baldy is kind of played out at this point. He's really not though, the Lex that we've gotten on the big screen has always been the rich, opportunistic, megalomaniac who's sole threat to Superman has been his ability to get his hands on Kryptonite. He's never been a real physical's easy to see why using this angle again in Superman Returns failed in the heights of summer blockbuster season...there's no fist fight, we need that. We yearn to see the bad guy put down with a well placed right hook. Here's the thing those not familiar with the comics may not know...Lex is very similar to Tony Stark, LuthorCorp doesn't just manage real estate deals, they make more than a few dollars from military contracts. Also like Tony Stark, Lex developed a battle suit. Here's where the two differ, Lex was not out to save the world, he was out to put himself on a even playing field with the last son of Krypton when it came to fisticuffs. This Lex Luthor, the one that could out smart Superman AND give the audience a show, is the version I'm predicting to be the villain when Man of Steel 2 comes out. Here's why.

Watching the trailers there was something very familiar about the armor worn by Zod and his cronies, getting a better look while watching the film it dawned on me....they're wearing a Beta version Luthor battle suit. Here's a side by side comparison of the two:

The look is WAY to similar to be coincidence. Now, the suits didn't appear to give the Kryptonian's power but I'm willing to bet there will be something about the suits that Luthor can re-purpose to give himself superpower. Hell, maybe he just steals the design to piss Superman off, either way I'll bet you a  Kryptonian nickle that we finally get a Luthor worth seeing on screen in the next installment. 


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