Thursday, February 6, 2014

Possible Details on Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor in 'Batman vs. Superman'

It seems some just can't get over Jesse Eisenberg playing Lex Luthor in Batman vs. Superman, and the complaining about Zombieland star has yet to slow down over the last week. Perhaps they had their minds set on someone else (Bryan Cranston, maybe?), or feel the character will stick too closely to his portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network, although why that would be a bad thing is unclear. Whatever the case may be, nobody has any exact details on who Lex Luthor will actually be in the film, although Latino Review claims to know.

The site, which admits this could all change due to Chris Terrio's rewrite, has hit their sources and come up with a spoiler-filled description of Luthor and his connection to Superman and Batman. First of all, they note that Lex is most definitely bald, and is apparently "one part tech genius, one part ruthless business man and two parts Metropolis street tough." with tattoos of Metropolis on his body. He's the richest man on the planet and the owner of LexCorp, and he perceives Superman to be an alien (which he literally is!) and an intruder on this planet. He also doesn't think very highly of Bruce Wayne, considering him to be a trust fund baby born into his wealth, while Luthor worked his way up from the streets. While he's convinced Superman is mortal and can be killed, his real obsession is with Batman, leading so some sort of eventual conflict.

Okay, so the "street tough" stuff sounds a little ridiculous and not at all the sort of role one would expect from Eisenberg, there's every reason to believe he can pull it off. Plus it makes more sense to have an actor closer to Henry Cavill's age, and Warner Bros. came to that same conclusion according to THR. While Girls star Adam Driver was considered for the role at one point, he had to pass due to a scheduling conflict. So much for those rumors of him playing Nightwing. Joaquin Phoenix was in the mix but turned it down, and Cranston, who seems to have been the popular choice, was never even approached. 

We'll see if any of this Luthor stuff pans out when Batman vs. Superman opens May 6th 2016. 


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