Wednesday, April 9, 2014

First '22 Jump Street' Clip Goes Deep Cover

At this point, Phil Lord and Chris Miller can do no wrong. Everything they've touched has turned to $200M gold, and if they had chosen to direct Ghostbusters 3 that probably would have, too. Perhaps the most impressive win in their incredible run was spinning gold out of 21 Jump Street, a relic of the '80s nobody was anxious to see return. But the buddy comedy was a hit and one of the year's funniest films, and now the bumbling cops return in 22 Jump Street.

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are back as Jenko and Schmidt, who continue to flounder their way into big cases. This time they're moving on up to college to break up a drug ring, and in this first clip we see them going deep undercover as Latino gangbangers, with hilariously awful results.

22 Jump Street opens June 13th. [MTV]


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