Wednesday, April 9, 2014

'Star Wars: Episode VII' Re-Creating Tatooine in Morocco

Over the last few weeks we've started to learn more about Star Wars: Episode VII, at least enough to endlessly speculate on. There isn't likely to be a lot of info once J.J. Abrams starts shooting in London's Pinewood Studios, so the trickle of news we're getting now is of added importance. Most recently word came out that some filming was taking place in Morocco, which happened to be the location of old sets used to create Tatooine in the original movies.

Now THR is confirming Abrams' plan to re-build the Skywalker clan's desert homeworld in Morocco...

"J.J. Abrams and Disney are planning to build out an extensive re-creation of Tatooine, the desolate home planet of Luke and Anakin Skywalker, in a Morocco-like environment (the original was built in Tunisia)."

I suspect there will be a sudden rush of airplane bookings to Morocco. Star Wars: Episode VII opens December 18th 2015. 


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