Thursday, July 3, 2014

Interview: Joe Manganiello Talks Male Stripper Doc 'La Bare', 'True Blood', and Why He Wasn't in 'Man of Steel'

What many may not know about Joe Manganiello, since they're probably too busy staring at his abs on True Blood or in his role as "Big Dick" in Magic Mike, is that he's a classically trained actor with a longstanding goal of being a director. Those dreams were finally achieved with La Bare, a documentary inspired by his experiences researching for and starring in Magic Mike. The film gives us a backstage look at the lives of male strippers at the world famous La Bare nightclub in Dallas, and attempts to break down some of the facades about the business and the people in it. Manganiello directed every frame and financed the picture fully to show his commitment, and one of the things he found is that Magic Mike was just as much an influence on the dancers as they were on it.

I had a chance to talk with Manganiello about La Bare, what drove him to choose this subject for his directorial debut, and what he learned about the profession's true nature.  He also discusses why he didn't get the Superman role in Man of Steel, the future of True Blood and plans for after the show concludes.

La Bare opens on Friday, July 4th exclusively at the Angelika Pop-Up at Union Market.

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