Sunday, September 14, 2014

An Obi-Wan Kenobi Spinoff Could be in the Works

When it comes to the Star Wars spinoffs we know practically nothing other than who will be directing them. Gareth Edwards (Godzilla) and Josh Trank (Chronicle) are on board for what are expected to be solo films expanding beyond Star Wars: Episode VII and the new trilogy. There have been rumors of Yoda, Han Solo, and even Boba Fett as the focus, but now a new report claims it could be Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The story has emerged at Making Star Wars, who have been dropping tons of Star Wars stuff lately, as you might expect for a site of that name. Here's what they have to say about Obi-Wan Kenobi getting his own solo movie....

"Obi-Wan Kenobi – I’ve heard from quite a few people now that an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie is in the works. For the spin-off movies they were initially going to stay away from any Jedi or Sith characters. But I’m hearing now that because of the popularity of Obi-Wan (fans recently voting for him on the official website etc) that an art team is now working with a writer on concepts for an Obi-Wan movie."

This has all come about because of the recent tournament poll that had fans choosing Kenobi as the most popular Star Wars character. While that may seem crazy with Han Solo, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett out there, Kenobi has a leg up on them as the centerpiece of two big screen trilogies plus the animated Clone Wars series. And since the film would likely be post-prequels (because they're terrible), Ewan McGregor could easily be brought back to the role, something he's expressed a desire to do in the recent past. Hopefully this story has more weight than the last Kenobi rumor that had him returning as a "Force ghost" or something.

None of this is confirmed, of course, but it would be pretty cool to see exactly what Kenobi was doing before 'A New Hope'. I'd much rather see that than a young Yoda hanging out in the Dagobah swamps or something.


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