Monday, September 15, 2014

Fifth 'Bourne' Film to Reunite Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass!

Ever since Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass exited the Jason Bourne franchise after The Bourne Ultimatum, they've been fielding questions about a comeback. The constant speculation about it didn't leave a lot of room for Jeremy Renner's debut in The Bourne Legacy to get established, and while the film did okay it was one of the franchise's weakest. Meanwhile Damon has mostly stuck to saying he would only return if Paul Greengrass was with him, that is finally happening.

Deadline reports that Damon and Greengrass are coming back for a fifth Bourne film, and after so many denials by them and producer Frank Marshall this comes as a huge shock. The plan being put together by Universal would have Damon and Greengrass' move into the July 15th 2016 spot that was occupied by Renner and Justin Lin's film. So what is going to happen with that one? It's still in the works but will be pushed back until the original crew's is finished. Not sure how Lin and Renner are going to take being bumped aside as if they're the JV League, but let's be honest that nothing they were going to do would top what Damon and Greengrass have already accomplished.

This is still pretty fresh and additional details are bound to spill out soon.


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