Friday, September 5, 2014
Sean Harris of 'Prometheus' Offered 'Mission: Impossible 5' Villain Role
Every great action movie needs a great bad guy for the heroes to match wits with. It's more difficult for long-running franchises with multiple bad guys because some will obviously be better than others, and that has definitely been the case with Mission: Impossible. Although Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol was the rare exception of a great movie with a terrible villain (what was Michael Nyqvist doing, anyway?), Mission: Impossible 5 will look to give Tom Cruise someone he can really contend with.
According to Deadline that guy will be Sean Harris, best known for his amazing performance as Ian Curtis in 24 Hour Party People. He was also a part of Ridley Scott's Prometheus and was seen earlier this year possessed by a demon in Deliver Us from Evil. The deal is far from done, but if Harris signs on he'll join Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Ferguson, and Alec Baldwin. Filming is going on now under the direction of Christopher McQuarrie.
Mission: Impossible 5 opens Christmas Day 2015.
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