Monday, December 8, 2014

HBO to finally re-release 'The Wire' in HD format after Christmas

I don't know your life, but if you haven't watched The Wire, you should probably re-evaluate your choices. It's the greatest television show of all time, and if you somehow think The Sopranos or Breaking Bad or Mad Men is better, then you need to sit down and give The Wire, America's greatest televised novel, another run-through. And now that HBO is finally re-releasing the show in HD, you can.

Starting at 12 p.m. on Friday, December 26, HBO will make new-and-improved versions of the show's 60 episodes available for streaming on HBO GO and marathon viewing on HBO Signature. (You can check out the schedule for HBO Signature here; it looks like they're going to air the episodes in season-long blocks starting on Friday.) No news yet on whether the HD versions of the episodes will be available on Amazon, where the show is already streaming as part of HBO's deal with the shopping website, but let's hope that happens soon so even more people can enjoy the greatness and perfection and heartbreaking wonder of this show. (And theoretically, this also means that the full series will also eventually be available on Blu-ray ... which means I know exactly what I want next Christmas.)

To prepare yourself, watch this short teaser HBO released as an announcement. It is excellent, and every line should give a Wire fan chills - especially "We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket." Holy shit, this show was good. I know where I'll be Dec. 26, and where you should be, too.


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