Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Rules have Changed in the First 'Terminator Genisys' Trailer

There's a good reason why fans haven't exactly been eager for Terminator Genisys, a sequel/reboot of James Cameron's sci-fi franchise. The last film, the McG-directed Terminator Salvation, was largely killed by the audience it was targeting, to the point where even Cameron wanted nothing to do with it.  The bigger problem is the confusing plot, which seems to be an homage, a reimagining, a sequel; who the heck knows? Now that the first trailer has been unveiled some of the questions are beginning to be answered, but certainly some new ones need to be asked.

Directed by Alan Taylor (Thor: The Dark World), the film brings back Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T-800, and if his age should be a concern...well, the wonky time travel stuff should take care of it. Starring Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor, Jason Clarke as her son John Connor, and Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, the film flips the tables on some aspects, such as Sarah's "Come with me if you want to live", while keeping some aspects firmly in place. We see Reese sent back in time by John Connor, only to discover the version of 1984 he was expecting has been seriously altered.  From what little we know of the plot, Sarah was orphaned as a child and raised by the Terminator, who she refers to as "Pops". There's also a liquid metal Terminator chasing them down who looks somewhat like Robert Patrick, but not quite.

Exciting, yes, but will it be enough to satisfy the Terminator die-hards? Terminator Genisys opens July 1st 2015.

Terminator Genisys Trailer by Stuff We Like


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