Monday, January 24, 2011

You might be waiting awhile for that Kick-Ass sequel

Matthew Vaughn's been slogging through(some would say struggling with) the production of X-men: First Class, which might make you think he'd want to escape the comfort of a pet project once that was over.  Something like say...Kick-Ass 2?  Mark Millar, who has been working on the comic book sequel to Kick-Ass, basically confirmed that a film version had already been greenlit, but no official word ever came down. Now it's looking like Vaughn might not be making Kick-Ass 2 for awhile, if his frequent writing partner Jane Goldman is to believed.

This is what Goldman tweeted....

Saw a few erroneous reports today that I’m currently writing Kick Ass 2 script – sorry if anyone’s disappointed, but not true. Currently writing for 2 other projects, then on to lovely Matthew V’s next thing (right now, looks unlikely to be KA2) when X-Men post-prod’ ends.

I'm pretty sure we'll get that sequel at some point, but Vaughn is way too busy to even be thinking about any future plans right now.  With that said, what are the chances of Vaughn and Millar re-teaming for a film version of Superior?


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