Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New poster for Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody's Young Adult

Of all the many high profile films coming out in the packed month of December, one has remained relatively under the radar, strange considering the wealth of talent involved. That would be Young Adult, the new comedy from the Juno pairing of director Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody. A brand new one-sheet has been dropped into our laps, and it's one of the most inspired we've seen all year, looking like some teen queen's diary of her high school misadventures.

One glimpse at the plot will explain the reasons for this unique design. Charlize Theron plays an author of teen literature(think Twilight or Sweet Valley High) who yearns for her high school glory days. She goes back to her hometown in Minnesota and tries to spark up a romance with her now married high school sweetheart(Patrick Wilson), but finds things aren't as cool as she remembers. Patton Oswalt plays an old classmate she strikes up a friendship with.

The marketing push for this one has been quiet, but expect it to amp up in the coming weeks. Look for Young Adult to hit theaters on December 9th.


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