Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chris Pratt in talks to star in Kill Bin Laden

I've only seen a handful of Parks & Recreation episodes, and then it was because I was on a long flight and there wasn't anything else to do. But the show was genuinely funny, on par at least with 30 Rock, and if it was on HBO or something I'd probably watch it more regularly.  So it's not a surprise to me that so many members of the cast have taken the show's popularity and rolled it into big screen success, like Aubrey Plaza(The To Do List), Aziz Ansari(30 Minutes or Less), and Adam Scott(Friends with Kids). But the one who may have the most upside is Chris Pratt, and he's now circling a role in Kathryn Bigelow's controversial film centered on Seal Team Six.

The film currently is untitled, but has a working title of Kill Bin Laden. Pratt would be taking over the lead role, joining the only confirmed cast member, Jason Clarke. Other names have been mentioned as possibilities to join, including Tom Hardy, Jennifer Ehle, Guy Pearce, Idris Elba, Rooney Mara and Nina Arianda. Joel Edgerton had been eying a role for a long time as well, but appears to have moved on. The story would follow the military unit in their pursuit and ultimate execution of terrorist leader, Osama Bin Laden.

Pratt has appeared in two straight bad comedies alongside his wife, Anna Faris: Take Me Home Tonight and What's Your Number? This would be the biggest move of his career and one that would totally redefine his status as a leading man. After a mountain of setbacks(some politically motivated), Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal are set to begin production in February for a planned December 19th 2012 release. [Twitch]


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