Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Trailer Time: The Expendables 2, starring Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis

The action heroes of the 1980s don't burn out or fade away, they simply call up Sylvester Stallone and ask to be let in to The Expendables. Sly has rounded once again rounded up every old fogey who ever threw out his hip trying to relive old roundhouse kick glories in the backyard. It proved to be a massive success financially last time, even if it proved to be a disappointment to even it's most diehard supporters. With Stallone no longer behind the camera, and new additions like Jean-Claude Van Damme, Chuck Norris, and Liam Hemsworth(???), The Expendables 2 looks to be bigger, badder, and just plain better.

The first teaser trailer for the film has been released, and it isn't much more than an introduction. We do get a taste of Bruce Willis' expanded role as Mr. Church, looking like he's calling in an old debt. Arnold Schwarzenegger shows up, blows something up with a grenade launcher, then jets.  The rest is just a rundown of the cast, with Hemsworth still looking woefully out of place. If it was his brother, Chris(Thor), maybe I could understand.

Simon West has the unenviable job of turning a bunch of random action into a cohesive story, and we'll see just how good a job he does when The Expendables 2 opens on August 17th...


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