Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nash Edgerton and Jennifer Ehle join Kathryn Bigelow's Osama Bin Laden film

At this point, Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal are basically rounding up the best character talent of the last few years for their still untitled Osama Bin Laden film. The internationally flavored ensemble already features Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Mark Strong, Chris Pratt, Jason Clarke, Kyle Chandler and Edgar Ramirez, but it's about to get even better if you can believe it. EW reports that Nash Edgerton, who as you probably figured out is Joel's brother, will be joining the film along with Contagion breakout star, Jennifer Ehle. 

Beginning his career as a stunt man for some high profile flicks like The Matrix and The Phantom Menace(he was Ewan McGregor's stunt double), Nash really hit it big in 2008 as director of the Aussie thriller, The Square. But his defining work to me has to be his hilarious short film, Bear, in which he plays a guy who uses a bear costume to scare the crap out of his girlfriend to tragic results.

Ehle really came into her own last year as one of the key figures trying to end a global pandemic in Contagion. She seems to excel at making the most out of limited screen time, doing so in The King's Speech and also as George Clooney's wife in The Ides of March. With a cast as large as Bigelow's film looks to be, she'll likely be forced to do the same here.

After all the delays due to Congressional meddling, along with Boal performing some extensive rewrites to include the latest information, the film finally looks to be hitting it's stride. Production is currently underway with plans for a December 19th release.


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