Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trailer Time: 'The Cold Light of Day', starring Henry Cavill and Bruce Willis

What happens when Superman(Henry Cavill), John McClane(Bruce Willis) team up to take on Ripley(Sigourney Weaver) gone rogue? If it's in The Cold Light of Day, you get a film that looks like a blander version of Taken. Directed by Mabrouk El Mechri(JCVD), the film features Cavill as an American whose family is kidnapped by armed goons while on vacation. The only way to get them back is to join with his secretive, former secret agent dad(Willis of course!) who appears to know exactly what's going on and why.

A new international trailer for the film has been released, and if you thought the previous one looked bad, then this probably won't change your mind. Check it out below....

<a href='http://movies.uk.msn.com/exclusives/video.aspx?videoid=f52f8451-bfda-4d5a-a666-957d699a9414&src=FLPl:embed::uuids' target='_new' title='The Cold Light of Day trailer' >Video: The Cold Light of Day trailer</a>

The Cold Light of Day will open in theaters on April 6th.


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