Monday, February 27, 2012

Watch Ryan Seacrest get dusted with Kim Jong-Il's ashes by Sacha Baron Cohen's 'The Dictator'

Let's face it, there weren't a lot of laughs to be found at last night's Academy Awards. And those jokes that did land were delivered by everybody not named Billy Crystal. The show felt ancient, and in desperate need of some juice to keep it relevant. That's why it was so amazing watching the Academy flip flop around on deciding whether or not to let Sacha Baron Cohen turn up for the festivities as 'The Dictator'. Heck, they should let the guy host next year. No joke.

The biggest hit of the night came before the show, on E! infamous red carpet when diminutive energizer bunny Ryan Seacrest was interviewing Cohen in his 'Dictator' persona, a couple of hot bodyguards at his side. Who did he come to the event with? No, not some supermodel or his wife Isla Fisher playing along in character. The Dictator brought along the ashes of his friend and alleged tennis partner, Kim Jong-Il. Seacrest's face a few moments later as those same ashes are "accidentally" dumped all over his suit? Priceless. Check it out below....


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